Sunday, May 9, 2010


You know that old expression, there's nothing new under the sun? Well, it kind of makes a really good point. In fashion, everything gets recycled (we were way ahead of you Al Gore) via trends. That's part of the reason why I would imagine being a rigid trend follower would be a rather frustrating process.

Here's a scenario. A few seasons ago you were told to ditch those flares and bootcuts and now you're having a nervous breakdown in your closet, surrounded by every wash ever made for skinny jeans while contemplating hanging yourself with one of your (many many many many) pairs of leggings. The only thing that stops you is the knowledge that you never invested in (the rather unfortunate and unfortunately named) jeggings. Why all this distress? Because lo and behold Marni, Burberry and the like have been sneaking streamlined flares and bootcut back into circulation. Your first instinct is to now purchase some but we are in the midst of a worldwide economic crisis so there's only one reasonable solution. March down to your local Salvation Army and demand that they return the seven pairs you donated four years ago. On the off chance they refuse to do so then I'm sort of sure that you might have grounds for a lawsuit. (p.s. The awkward wording in that last sentence is to protect myself from a lawsuit).

Honestly though this whole 'what is old is new and old again..but will soon be new'... trending can become mildly perturbing occasionally. I grew up in the 90s and though I was young, I still remember being traumatized by and/or succumbing to many of the trends (neon colours anyone? Lycra cycling shorts? How about Neon coloured cycling shorts? I will only admit to such a ghastly offense in a court of law, thank you very much.) That's why the hipster-led revival of that very recent decade has left me feeling as if I'm in a time warp sometimes. Seriously, are we still in the 90s when Julia Roberts played the same character in every romantic movie,  Madonna was re-inventing herself in order to make the charts, the Backstreet Boys were touring and Kate Moss was in every major fashion publication? Actually, on second thought those might not be the best examples.
ABBEY LEE  (2009)                                                                       AXL  (1990)    
I'm almost convinced the stylist had this magazine cover saved somewhere.

Anyhow, Abbey could easily be the new Erin Everly. Axl is on the market and as long as she doesn't mind supporting him as he takes 15 years to complete another album and doesn't hurt his feelings by telling him that having braided extensions while wearing football jerseys is probably the worst fashion offence of all-worse than socks with sandals and even *shudder* wearing Crocs (in public or private, it's just wrong). She might even get a song written for her and be immortalized  in a Guns N' Roses music video. (For those not in the know, Sweet Child O' Mine was written by Axl for Erin and she appeared in the song's video.Axl apparently likes to put his girlfriends in his videos.See: Stephanie Seymour and the epic 'November Rain').

ph 1: via fuckyeahcutehair on tumblr. ph2: google images

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